Premium components
SparkChart Ring
Premium feature

This is a premium feature which requires a paid plan to be used. See here for more details.

SparkChart Ring

SparkCharts are a group of data visualization components intended for visualising trends in data, with less precision than ordinary data visualisation components.

The SparkChart Ring component allows you to visualise data in a doughnut ring, with common use cases including progress of a certain task.

Example JSON

Below are two examples of the JSON required to define the component:

    "type": "SparkChart.Ring",
    "options": {
        "width": "1/4",
        "radius": 50,
        "value": 78,
        "stroke_width": 15,
        "title": "78%",
        "chart_color": "headline",
        "subtitle": "tasks completed",
        "button_link": "",
        "button_text": "View more details"
    "type": "SparkChart.Ring",
    "options": {
        "width": "1/4",
        "radius": 50,
        "value": 78,
        "stroke_width": 15,
        "title": "78%",
        "chart_color": "headline",
        "subtitle": "tasks completed",
        "button_link": "",
        "button_text": "View more details"


valueValue representing the percentage of ring to be filled in. Between 0 and 100.
titleTypically used to show the latest numerical value from the data.
subtitleOften used to describe the value or provide units.


Missing something?

Hybiscus is continuously improving and adding new features. If you think we are missing a critical feature, please do not hesitate to contact us and offer your feedback at