Getting started
Creating a report

Creating a report

To get started, you'll need a tool to make HTTP POST and GET requests, such as curl if you're making requests from the terminal, otherwise if using a programming language, an equivalent HTTP library such as requests for Python, or axios for NodeJS.

Steps to make a report

The process for generating a PDF report is 3 steps:


Submit report job

Make a HTTP POST request, with a JSON body specifying the content of your PDF. A task ID will be returned to you if successful.


Check job status

Query the task status endpoint using your task ID to check when your report is ready.


Download report

Once ready, download the PDF using the get report endpoint.


To use any of the API endpoints, you must authenticate yourself using the API key provided in the dashboard. You can generate your API key by going to the Dashboard from the upper right hand corner, as well as viewing your existing API keys there.

The API key may either be placed in the header of your HTTP request under the name X-API-KEY, or you may pass it as a parameter in the query string using the key api_key. For more details view the authentication page.


In this example, we will go through the steps using Python to generate a PDF report.


Submit report job

First, we will make a HTTP POST request to endpoint. The body of this request is a JSON definition used to define the report. The structure is fairly simple, you start with an object, in which you have at least 3 keys:

  • type
  • options
  • components

The type is set to Report as we're creating a PDF report (more options will come in future), while the options keys provides specific options for this specific component. Lastly, the components key is an array of objects with the same schema as we've just described. You just need to change the type to use different components, to add content to your report.

Components are the building blocks of a report. Some components help with layout such as the Section, where as others allow you to add content such as the Card component. You can nest components as deep as you like, or add them side by side together in the array.

import requests
import json

URL = ""
    "type": "Report",
    "options": {
        "report_title": "The report",
        "report_byline": "Yet another byline",
        "version_number": "0.1b"
    "components": [
            "type": "Section",
            "options": {
                "section_title": "Section one",
            "components": [
                    "type": "Card",
                    "options": {
                        "title": "Loremp ipsum",
                        "value": 700,
                        "units": "rpm"
response =
        "X-API-KEY": "<<YOUR_API_KEY>>"

>>> {"task_id":"ca173e1d-f487-4db2-891b-e347d92df6e2","status":"QUEUED"}

If your request was successful, the server will respond with the task_id and the status.


Check job status

To get the latest status of your task, make a GET request to the API endpoint, specifying the task_id as a parameter in the query string.

import requests

URL = ""
response = requests.get(
        "X-API-KEY": "<<YOUR_API_KEY>>"
    params={"task_id": "<<YOUR_TASK_ID_HERE>>"}

>>> {"status":"SUCCESS"}

Download report

If the task status is SUCCESS, you can now download your report from the API endpoint As this URL will simply return the PDF report, you can even use this URL in your web browser.

Since web browsers do not let you specify headers when navigating to a URL, we can instead make use of the query parameters to authenticate ourselves.

Thus, the following URL structure can be used to download our PDF:<<TASK_ID>>&api_key=<<API_KEY>>

Missing something?

Hybiscus is continuously improving and adding new features. If you think we are missing a critical feature, please do not hesitate to contact us and offer your feedback at