
The Card component is a small box used to display a numerical value. Typically used in multiples to highlight key metrics or KPIs.

Example JSON

Below are two examples of the JSON required to define a Card.

    "type": "Card",
    "options": {
        "title": "Click through rate",
        "value": 5,
        "units": "%",
        "icon": "dashboard"
    "type": "Card",
    "options": {
        "title": "Impressions",
        "value": "1,364",
        "units": "views",
        "icon": "confetti",
        "highlighted": true


titleThe title of the Card.
valueThe numerical value to display in the Card
unitsOptional. The units for the value being displayed.
title_uppercaseOptional. Whether to have the title in uppercase. Defaults to true.
title_font_sizeOptional. Font size of title text. Defaults to sm. See below for more details.
icon_font_sizeOptional. Font size of the icon. Defaults to 4xl. See below for more details.
value_font_sizeOptional. Font size of value text. Defaults to 4xl. See below for more details.
units_font_sizeOptional. Font size of units text. Defaults to 2xl. See below for more details.
iconOptional. The icon to place next to the value.
highlightedOptional. Highlight the Card by using an accented colour background.
widthOptional. The width of the component. Only applies when inside a Section or Row component whose columns option is set to null.

Font size

The font size of the different parts of the component can be overriden using the *_size keys, and can take on any of the following values (in increasing order):

  • xs
  • sm
  • lg
  • xl
  • 2xl
  • 3xl
  • 4xl


For details on the width key, please see here.


Icons are powered by the Tabler Icons package which provides over 1,250 different icons. Simply use the icon name provided on the Tabler Icons website in place of the icon key in your JSON.

Highlighted background

By setting the highlighted key to true, this changes the background to an accent colour to help draw attention to the card. The colour chosen is dictated by the theme applied to your report. Refer to the Themes section for more details.


The text inside a Card component is controlled by the typography theme, as the font uses the heading font family (which is controlled by typography themes).


Missing something?

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