
The table component allows you to add tables within your report.

Example JSON

Below is an example of the JSON required to define a table.

    "type": "Table",
    "options": {
        "title": "Title for table",
        "headings": ["Heading one", "Heading Two", "Heading Three"],
        "rows": [
            ["Content", "Content", "Content"],
            ["Content", "Content", "Content"],
            ["Content", "Content", "Content"]
    "type": "Table",
    "options": {
        "title": "Title for table",
        "headings": ["Heading one", "Heading Two", "Heading Three"],
        "rows": [
                    "content": "Text to put inside cell",
                    "col_span": 2,
                    "col_bg": "accent",
                    "col_align": "center"
            ["Content", "Content", "Content"],
            ["Content", "Content", "Content"]


titleThe title of the table. Optional.
headingsOptional. The headings of the table. If absent, table headings will be omitted. Elements in the list maybe strings, integers or floats.
widthOptional. The width of the component. Only applies when inside a Section or Row component whose columns option is set to null.
rowsThe rows of the table. A list of lists, with each sub-list (a row) having the same number of elements. Number of elements in the sub-list should be equal to the number of headers / headings in the table. Elements of the sub-lists maybe strings, integers or floats.
stripedOptional. Enables alternate background colours on the rows of the table. Defaults to false.
table_borderOptional. Whether to draw a border around the table. Defaults to true.
horizontal_marginOptional. Margin added horizontally to the element. Defaults to 0.
vertical_marginOptional. Margin added vertically to the element. Defaults to 1.
col_borderOptional. Defaults to false. Enables column borders in the table.
col_alignOptional. Defaults to left for all columns. List of strings, with the same length as number of columns. Alignment of the text within the column, including header row. Accepts either left, right or centre / center. To set the alignment for only one column, simply set all values to null, except the column you wish to manually set their alignment for.
col_widthOptional. List of integers, with same length as number of columns. The percentages of the table width the columns should occupy. Takes an integer with any value between 0 and 100. To set the width for only one column, simply set all values to null, except the column you wish to manually set their width to.
col_bgOptional. List of strings, with the same length as number of columns, that sets the background colour for the rows of the column (excluding the header row). Each string should be one of the named colour theme variables. Refer to themes for more details. To skip setting a colour for a given column, set the value to null, instead of a string.

Creating a very long table?

If your table will need to span multiple pages, you'll need to enable multi-page mode by setting config.enable_multi_page to true. See here for more details.


Text within the cells of the table can be formatted using basic HTML. The following is supported:

  • <b>Text</b> to make your text bold
  • <i>Text</i> to make your text italicised
  • <span style='color: #HEX;'>Text</i> set a custom hex colour value for your text
  • </br> to create a new line
  • <a href='URL'>Text</a> to create a hyperlink

Cell level control

Hybiscus can also give you opt-in control of the text alignment, width, column span, and background (only for cells of rows) of individual cells in the rows and headings. To enable this behaviour, simply replace your string for each cell with an object of the following format:

    "content": "Text to put inside cell",
    "col_span": 3,
    "col_bg": "accent",
    "col_align": "center"

This means in rows and headings, you can selectively control the appearance of a single cell, allowing you to override the global styling set in the top level keys (options.col_bg, options.col_width, options.col_align). The allowed values and types for these keys are also identical to their counterparts in the top level option keys, e.g. col_bg only accepts colour theme variable names. Also note, setting options at the cell level takes precedence over the top level options keys, and thus will override those values.

The below JSON (try copying it straight into the Cloud Editor):

    "type": "Table",
    "options": {
        "table_border": true,
        "vertical_margin": 6,
        "col_borders": true,
        "headings": [
            "Lorem ipsum",
            "Vestibulum auctor",
                "content": "Vivamus vestibulum ntulla nec",
                "col_span": "2",
                "col_align": "center"
        "col_bg": [null, null, "background-faded", "background-faded"],
        "col_align": ["left", "left", "right", "right"],
        "col_width": [null, 50],
        "rows": [
            ["Risus id metus", "Tristique elit", "54", "67"],
            ["Praesent placerat", "Fusce pellentesque", "91", "32"],
                    "content": "Phasellus ultrices nulla quis nibh. Quisque a lectus. Donec consectetuer ligula vulputate.",
                    "col_span": 3,
                    "col_bg": "accent",
                    "col_align": "right"

will generate the following output:


For details on the width key, please see here.


Missing something?

Hybiscus is continuously improving and adding new features. If you think we are missing a critical feature, please do not hesitate to contact us and offer your feedback at