Premium components
Bar Chart (v2)
Premium feature

This is a premium feature which requires a paid plan to be used. See here for more details.

Bar Chart (v2)

The Chart.Bar component is part of the premium set of chart components, with greater control over their layout and design. The bar chart allows visualising data on vertical bars, with either a categorical or numerical X-axis.

Example JSON

Below is an example of the JSON required to define a Chart.Bar component:

    "type": "Chart.Bar",
    "options": {
        "width": "5/12",
        "color_scheme": "Set2",
        "x_label": "Penguin species",
        "y_label": "Body mass (g)",
        "format_y_ticks": false,
        "data": [
            { "x": "Adelie", "y": 3300 },
            { "x": "Chinstrap", "y": 3800 },
            { "x": "Gentoo", "y": 5500 }


dataThe data to plot in the chart. See below for more details.
x_labelThe X-axis label.
y_labelThe Y-axis label.


The data key must be an array of objects, with each object containing the keys x and y. To set the colour for each bar, provide a color key with a hex value. Values for x may be categorical or numerical. A maximum of 1,000 points can be plotted on a chart.

If using the grouped_bars option, you must also supply an additional key, label, which is used to label the different bars at a single X-position.


The colour of the bars can be set in one of three ways:

  • Automatically chosen by the theme selected for the report. For more details see Theming.
  • Overriding the color of each bar by passing a color key for each object in the data key.
  • Setting the color_scheme key to an option from color brewer scales. Allowed values include:
    • Category10
    • Accent
    • Dark2
    • Paired
    • Pastel1
    • Pastel2
    • Set1
    • Set2
    • Set3
    • Tableau10


For details on the width key, please see here.


Grouped bars

If you set grouped_bars to true, Hybiscus can group your data at each X-position. To do this, ensure each object in the data key's array has a label key. This key is used to colour the bars at each X-position and produce the legend above the chart. It is also recommended to use the color_scheme key, rather than manually setting colors on each datum object.

Below is an example JSON (try copying it straight into the Cloud Editor):

    "type": "Chart.Bar",
    "options": {
        "width": "5/12",
        "color_scheme": "Set2",
        "grouped_bars": true,
        "x_label": "Penguin species",
        "y_label": "Body mass (g)",
        "data": [
            { "x": "Adelie", "label": "Male", "y": 4000 },
            { "x": "Adelie", "label": "Female", "y": 3300 },
            { "x": "Chinstrap", "label": "Male", "y": 3800 },
            { "x": "Chinstrap", "label": "Female", "y": 3500 },
            { "x": "Gentoo", "label": "Male", "y": 5500 },
            { "x": "Gentoo", "label": "Female", "y": 4800 }

The generated component will look like below:

More examples

Missing something?

Hybiscus is continuously improving and adding new features. If you think we are missing a critical feature, please do not hesitate to contact us and offer your feedback at