
The Section component is used to divide up the report into named regions. You can provide a title, an optional icon, as well as the ability to highlight the entire section.

Example JSON

Below are some examples of the JSON required to define a Section.

    "type": "Section",
    "options": {
        "section_title": "Section One",
        "icon": "dashboard",
        "highlighted": false,
        "columns": null
    "components": [
            "type": "Text",
            "options": {
                "text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
    "type": "Section",
    "options": {
        "section_title": "Section One",
        "icon": "dashboard",
        "highlighted": true,
        "columns": 2
    "components": [
            "type": "Text",
            "options": {
                "text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
                "colour": "light-background",
                "bg_colour": "highlight"
            "type": "Text",
            "options": {
                "text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
                "colour": "light-background",
                "bg_colour": "highlight"


section_titleThe title of the Section.
iconOptional. The icon to place next to the value.
highlightedOptional. Defaults to false. If true, applies a subtle background colour to draw attention.
columnsOptional. The number of columns to divide the section up into. See here for more details.
widthOptional. The width of the component, when inside a Row component whose columns option is set to null. For more details, see please see here.
horizontal_marginOptional. Defaults to 3 if highlighted is true, otherwise defaults to 0. Margin added horizontally to the element.
vertical_marginOptional. Defaults to 1. Margin added vertically to the element.
column_spacingOptional. Defaults to 3. Spacing between components rendered as columns. Accepts any integer between 1 - 12, 14 or 16.

Components / extendable

This component is extendable, meaning it supports adding components within it. To add components inside, simply add the objects defining the components inside the components key (defined as the level as type, not within the options key.).

Margin values

For the various options targetting margins, the allowed values are detailed here.


Icons are powered by the Tabler Icons package which provides over 1,250 different icons. Simply use the icon name provided on the Tabler Icons website in place of the icon key in your JSON.

Highlighted background

The background color is defined from the color theme variable background-default, which in all themes is set to #fff or white. If highlighted is set to true, this variable has a different value assigned to it, which is defined in the highlighted section of the theme variables. For more details, please see here.


Missing something?

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