Data protection

Hybiscus is committed to ensuring transparency in how we process your data, as well as ensuring the highest standards when it comes to handling your data.

GDPR compliance

Hybiscus is compliant with the EU GDPR and UK GDPR regulations, and as such we also provide a Data Processing Agreement (DPA) which you can sign.

Our servers are hosted in London, UK, which due to an adequacy decision between the EU and UK, means data can flow freely between the EU and UK, and thus remain compliant with EU GDPR and UK GDPR.

Data processing agreement

Our Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is a standardised version based on the one provided by GDPR.EU. To sign this DPA, please email us at, and we will send you a link to a DPA to sign.

Cloud storage

Hybiscus provides a cloud storage option, which allows you to save the generated PDFs directly on your cloud storage provider's servers. This means the PDFs are never stored on the Hybiscus servers. Furthermore, as Hybiscus never stores the JSON data sent to the API, this means none of your data related to the PDF report will ever be stored by Hybiscus.

Data relating to report generation

When generating a report via Hybiscus, only the following information is stored permanently on the server:

  • Task ID associated with your report
  • Error message associated with your report (if any)
  • Referrer (passed as URL query parameter via the API endpoint)
  • Client SDK (passed in HTTP header via the API endpoint)
  • Task start time, end time and duration
  • Number of times each component has been used in the report (none of the data added to the component is tracked or stored)
  • Number of pages in the final generated report

The JSON body sent to the API, which contains your data is NEVER stored by Hybiscus. This data enters a queue when sent to the API, and once consumed by the reports generator, it is immediately discarded.

The generated report is only stored on the server for 48 hours, after which it is permanently deleted. Furthermore, using the cloud storage option, you can ensure the report is never stored on the Hybiscus servers.

Updated August 19, 2024